Appointment of Welfare/Safeguarding Officer, LDAC

In line with generic advice from the Angling Trust all affiliated member Clubs have been advised to provide a point contact for any welfare/safeguarding issues that their members might experience in their dealings with the Club.

Robert Dean (Committee Member) has taken on this role. If you wish to contact him, in the first instance email for his details or alternatively contact him through any member of the Committee. 

Reminder – FRA AGM – 10 April 19:30

Any LDAC Members who would like to attend the Fowey Rivers Association AGM will be welcome – it is at the Conservative Club in Lostwithiel –

There will be updates on the drought, river abstraction, new water sources that help the river, hatchery updates and general news from the catchment. Westcountry Rivers Trust will give updates and are the guest speaker to talk about their fishing passport app.

There is a bar and a free pasty at the interval.

See you there.!