Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any vacancies to join this year?
Spaces in the Club are limited to 250. While we have a loyal membership that are first in line to pay their subscriptions – we also have members that join for the 2nd half of the season when the Salmon fishing increases – so there are usually spaces at the start of the year – Join now to avoid disappointment!

How do I join LDAC?
It’s easy to join.
Click on the Membership and Visitor/Day tickets link, download an application form, complete it, calculate your subscription rate and send a cheque to the Hon Treasurer’s address at the bottom of the form.

When do the Subscription Prices get published?
The subs are discussed by your committee – and are published each year in the LDAC Newsletter. They will also be updated on the website – usually right at the end of the year or in early January.  You can see the current prices on the Membership and Visitor/Day tickets page – and you can tell whether the prices are current because the correct year will be shown above the prices.

How long does my Membership last?
Membership to Liskeard & District Angling Club is for a calendar year starting 1st Jan – 31st Dec.
If you join mid-year your membership will expire on the 31st December of that year.
LDAC have water on many rivers, each with their own opening and closing dates – it is not unusual for people to join mid-year to enjoy the back-end of a particular river, for example.

How can I see where the LDAC water is?
We have updated the Maps section – see the Maps page.
Be sure to Subscribe to the Online Maps – they are always up-to-date & you can use them on a portable device to get Directions to the Start of Beat and Parking.

How do I Contact LDAC?
There is a Contact page on the Website – and we react very quickly to Facebook Messages too!