Lynher Hatchery update 2020

GH reported that brood stock collection had been difficult in winter 2019 and that there had been a shortage of cock fish.

Despite the slow start 28,000 eggs had been laid down and hatching was progressing well

He noted that 30% of the alevins were stocked out into side streams under artificial redds. Monitoring of these sites later in the season had showed high densities of fry – attesting to the success of the method. 

GH noted that the Lynher hatchery was run solely by volunteers and the provision of the site by N Lintott was highly appreciated. The work of the secretary (A White) was also highlighted. 

Financial donations were critical to the continued existence of the hatchery.
He thanked LDAC for their generous financial donations in supporting the hatchery and urged Club members to join the Lynher River Association (£10.00 pa) thereby helping to further finance the activity.

Graham Hake