2021 has again been a very challenging year for the Club financially.
Our income is solely reliant on membership numbers and we have seen these remain at the historically low level of 126 adult members. Anticipating the future, and seeing a consistently low membership number for several years now we clearly need to raise income levels to allow the Club to break even in 2022.
For 2022 the Committee has decided to increase all subscription categories by £5.00. Adult subscriptions will therefore rise to £105.00 pa and Disabled subscriptions will rise to £90.00 pa. All other rates will see the same increase of £5.00. See Ticket Prices Section earlier in this newsletter for further details.
Renewal subscriptions must be received by the 1st of April 2022 to ensure we have sufficient cash-flow to operate the Club effectively. Failure to do so will mean that late returning members will again be liable for paying the full (re) joining fee of £20.00.
Subscriptions can be paid by cheque (payable to LDAC) or, if you prefer, by BACS (bank details below) – but those members renewing by BACS (Account Name LDAC Account number 80574988 Sort code 20 – 50 – 40 ) must also still notify the Treasurer by post, and provide a SAE with their submitted catch returns to enable their season ticket to be sent out for 2022.
Beware: No ticket means No fishing!
Could I finally remind all members that they should apply directly to the Treasurer with:
- Complete and accurate catch return form for 2021 season
- Membership renewal form duly completed (including an email address where ever possible)
- Cheque (if not paying by BACS) for appropriate amount, including any donations
- Stamped addressed envelope
The address to send it to is Higher Trevartha Farm, Pengover, Liskeard, Cornwall PL14 3NJ.
Trevor Sobey