Salmon, Sea Trout & Brown Trout fishing throughout south-east Cornwall.
Secretary’s Report 2020
The Committee met 4 times with excellent attendance.
Committee discussed and took the lead in implementing voluntary restrictions on the Fowey (and other rivers) to support fish stocks in the future. These are being rolled over into 2020 with no additional measures added.
Participated fully in FRA and TTFA and LRA meetings to best represent interests of the Club and its members.
Arranged with Fishing Mayhem to act as our sole agent for selling not just visitor permits but also annual memberships. (Cash only).
Noted the first reported occurrence of a live signal crayfish in the Draynes.
Noted the likely introduction of beavers in the upper reaches of the Warleggan in 2020. Reports of a female beaver with kits were made in the Inny and also a solitary male at Roadford Lake.
Noted ongoing work with WRT to coppice Lewarne in a sustainable manner to help improve access and improve environment for anglers.
Removal of commercial net from Fowey.
LDAC agreement to support EA voluntary restrictions both avoided a byelaw on the Fowey but more importantly resulted in the NLO of zero. This has been bought out with funds provided by SWW and support from the EA. Thanks go out to both for their efforts.
On increasing membership dues for 2020
Noted that membership dues had increased by 2.5% this year.
For £100.00 members get access to c.22 miles of fishing (£4.50 per mile). This compares very favourably with Newbridge (£35.00 per mile), and Lanhydrock (£45.00 per mile).
Variety: 6 rivers with brown trout, sea trout, salmon and grayling.
Thanks made to the riparian owners for accepting a 20% reduction in rentals as the club manages a drop in membership/income. Further details to follow from the Treasurer.
The main message this year is really one of looking forward, rather than looking backwards.
Looking forward to going fishing in 2020
Looking forward to getting out and about on the rivers.
Looking forward to catching a fish, and of course losing them; the latter being the ones’ remembered the most. o Looking forward to seeing the first kingfisher of the year flashing down the stream. The surest indicator that rivers are healthy.
Looking forward to hearing about the size of the fish being caught in Club waters.
In concluding the Secretary reminded members to advise of any address or email changes asap. Failure to do so would inevitably result in lost contact. •
The FRA AGM on 16th April 2020 will be at a new venue, the Conservative Club in Lostwithiel. More details will appear on the LDAC website nearer the time.