The Treasurer presented and reviewed the P&L account for year ending December 31st 2019.
Allowing for all costs in the year the Club carried forward a loss of £1,602.00 for the year.
This is the first recorded loss for the Club and is directly attributable to the sharp reduction in membership numbers.
For 2019 this was at an all time low of 126.
The Committee is aware that 2020 will be critical financially.
- Membership rates are therefore increasing by 2.5% to £100.00 pa.
- The Club are pleased to note that most of our riparian owners have also recognized the financial uncertainties we are facing and have agreed to a 20% reduction in rental rates whilst we weather the not-so-perfect storm of increasing regulation, the effects of commercial netting at sea and climate change. We thank them for their understanding and support.
Trevor Sobey
LDAC Treasurer